Case study
Passion project
How might we find a solution for our aging population to beat
isolation, lack of routine and feeling of being left behind.
UX designer
Individual + Various Industry
mentors input
4 months
Mobile app for live online classes

Just keep going

Live classes for older adults.
Get started

Seafood and dessert. Her way of teaching is simple and fun.
30 mins/ea
What you need to prepare before class?
Cooking seafood and dessert

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
This lesson will teach to
make best crab cakes.

Crab cakes
Starts in 6 hours
This case study is a part of Google's professional course "design for social good." During the pandemic, I was living with my parents and I got a chance to observe them closely. I noticed that there was something missing in their lives. At the time I didn't know what it was. But it gave me the inspiration to explore more and get to the bottom of it. Now I have identified and through UX design, I am trying to solve the problem.
Role-UX designer Duration- 4 months
Industry- Agetech Tool- Figma
Problem space
Immediately after retirement, older adults face isolation, lack of routine, feeling of being left behind, and lack of socialization.
Process timeframe
In this project I designed the end-to-end user experience of the "Keep going" app, starting with defining the problem all the way to design.
I did
1. Research ( Market analysis and user interview
2. User flow & information architecture
3. Wireframing and prototyping.
5. Usability testing( 1-on 1)

like to learn ?

I designed a mobile app for older adults that address the main pain points of their retirement years. Here are some of the outcomes and features of the app that makes it a successful solution.

with wide range of topics.

These screens will help users understand the value proposition of the app and increase the likelihood of retention.

Sign up to set up
These screen will help users to create more personalized experience in the app such as by setting up their daily learning minutes they are going to get the relevant recommendations of class minutes.

Seafood and dessert. Her way of teaching is simple and fun.
Enroll to live classes
This is the primary goal for users to enroll themselves in their favorite course once they are signed-up.
Why mobile app?
While I was conducting interviews with 8 participants I noticed that all of them use mobile for their daily phone-related activities.
Why online live classes?
The main purpose here is to solve users' problems related to retirement years. Live classes were the perfect solution to maintain a routine, learn new things and give users the opportunity to meet people and socialize.
Market research

My next step was to turn to the competition and see how this app could bring a unique value proposition. I started looking for learning apps for senior adults. Unfortunetly I didn't find the direct competitor in apps . Instead there were two web applications Moving forward I divided my research into two parts- what's the primary goals users are accomplishing. Second - Features, writing down features that works well on those app.
About target users
The target users for our app are older adults in their retirement age. Age group 60-85 &up
Primary goals
After gathering data I started analyzing it and sorted out the pain points and goals of the users. As a result, I narrowed down a few insights and converted them into user stories-
As a user, I want to maintain my routine so that my days are more structured.
As a user, I want to learn new things so that I don't feel disconnected from the world.
As a user, I want to meet people with the same interest so that I can get socialize with people.
Design goals

Before starting designing I sorted out a few ideas gathered from market research in Figjam. Also, I divide all the ideas into two parts what to avoid and what can make the product successful.
Narrowing ideas
Users are not going to
spend all day on live classes
To create a routine classes
needs to be at same time.
To follow a routine they need
classes in certain area,
instead random clases
Building community
To build community
users need to attend more
classes within the same group.
I narrowed down ideas based on above insights gathered from research. It helped me to understand what users would want to achieve using this app.
Evaluating ideas

To evaluate ideas and pick one idea I used two criteria
1. Prioritizing user needs
2. Idea that will bring more value to users.
Designing first screens

Robert frost
When I am
Using the app first time
I want to
Enroll my self in cooking classes
So that
I can learn to cook my favorite recipies.
Retired accountant/ father/ passionate about cooking
Once I identified the primary goal it was time to understand the user flow. Later on, it will help me sketch the screens to design the perfect user experience. For that purpose, I started developing a lean persona. Why I chose lean person? The simple answer is the scope of the project is narrow and this type of persona is appropriate to highlight users' essential pain points, goals, and scenarios.
UI design iterations
Before usability testing, I previewed the designs and noticed a few inconsistencies, and ensured that they look and function as intended.

Before- Images of young people
After- More relatable images of the target audience to communicate the value proposition of the app.

Seafood and dessert. Her way of teaching is simple and fun.

Seafood and dessert. Her way of teaching is simple and fun.